This document describes the Terms of Service agreement (herein referenced as TOS) between users of KUNDA BOX (herein referenced as USERS) and KUNDA BOX development group (herein referenced as KUNDA BOX).

KUNDA BOX reserves itself the ultimate right to update it's TOS at any moment, with no prior warning to any of it's USERS and/or other groups. KUNDA BOX reserves itself the right on how communication of TOS updates ensue.

Section I - USERS Terms

All KUNDA BOX USERS are subject to the TOS herein described. Any exception to this condition must be formally approved, in writing, by KUNDA BOX executive staff.

USERS will not engage in any harmful, unlawful and/or extremely innapropriate behavior while using KUNDA BOX services.

USERS when engaging with the rest of the KUNDA BOX community will act in a respectul tone with each other.

KUNDA BOX reserves itself the right to ban and/or moderate any of its USERS, as well as any content produced by its USERS, at any time for any reason, without prior warning.

USERS that sell content through KUNDA BOX services may request for content to be removed and/or moderated from its services by contacting

KUNDA BOX reserves itself the right on how any content moderation, including potential reimbursemnt to its USERS, may ensue at any given time.

USERS may not replicate, duplicate, copy and/or produce any content from KUNDA BOX without written permission from KUNDA BOX executive staff, or unless explicitly allowed to do so.

USERS must be 21 years or older in order to register at KUNDA BOX.

TL;DR - Don't be a jerk, or we'll kick you out. If you sell stuff you're not supposed to, we'll kick you out and likely block access to that content. All transactions are Buyers beware.

Section II - Selling Terms

USERS agree that KUNDA BOX reserves the perpetual unexpiring and untransferable right to distribute, sell and re-sell any legally permissible content that USERS upload to KUNDA BOX services. KUNDA BOX reserves the right to make any changes to any content uploaded to its services, without the need and/or consent from 3rd parties.

USERS may only upload content to which they own the production rights to.

USERS agree that KUNDA BOX can enforce a maximum and minimum limit to Kunda Box sale prices. USERS also agree that KUNDA BOX may change a Kunda Box price at any given moment, without prior warning to USERS.

KUNDA BOX reserves itself the editorial right for any content produced on its platform. All content uploaded to KUNDA BOX for potential sale is subject to KUNDA BOX editorial review.

KUNDA BOX may request USERS to provide additional information pertaining to content they've uploaded.

TL;DR - Don't sell content you're not supposed to. If you don't know if you can sell it or not, then odds are you shouldn't. In essence - sell what you've created and/or produced that's uniquely identifiably yours only, assuming you have publishing rights.

Section III - KUNDA BOX Editorial Staff Terms

KUNDA BOX editorial staff will communicate to USERS the results of its editorial review, including but not limited to requesting for more information prior to publishing, approval for publishing, denial with justification, as well as any content change deemed required by said review.

Section IV - KUNDA BOX Jurisprudence Terms

KUNDA BOX is a U.S.A. based organization, located in the State of Washington. KUNDA BOX will comply with local authorities on any remark legally needed.

USERS consent to KUNDA BOX to send and receive funds from their supplied Crypto Wallets. USERS consent that ALL transactions made by KUNDA BOX on their provided wallet as final with no possible reimbursement by KUNDA BOX.

USERS consent that KUNDA BOX will NOT be liable nor held responsible for any transactions done to their wallet, including but not limited to potential hacking, server breach, bugs and/or any other unforeseen behavior done to any registered wallet on KUNDA BOX servers.

TL;DR - ONLY use crypto wallets that are safe for KUNDA BOX to use. We STRONGLY recommend for you to use a specific wallet just for KUNDA BOX related activities. Do not place your life savings on that wallet.